Popular Dogs
A Monthly Magazine
Vol.13, No.9
September 1940
Mrs. Rhys Carpenter, Jerry Run, Downingtown, Pa.,
Peter Knoop 274 Vincent Ave., Lynbrook,
L.I., N.Y.
Your correspondent has been much pleased at the reactions of various prominent breeders who have called to see Cherloc v. Rauhfelsen. Richard C. Webster of Marienland Kennels, after inspecting our new stud, writes “I have seen practically all of the Dobermans of the U.S.A. in the past ten years, and, in my judgment, he is far and away above any Doberman Pinscher it has been my privilege to see. After making a most minute examination of this dog I have not been able to find even the slightest fault, and as a specimen he should do much to correct many of our breeding imperfections……May Cherloc live forever, and my most grateful appreciation to you for having brought him to this country.” And John C. Zimmerman of the Rhinegold Kennels, equally enthusiastic, says, “I wish to take the opportunity of conveying to you my appreciation for the privilege of having been allowed to go over your grand Doberman stud, Cherloc v. Rauhfelsen. If I may be permitted to criticize him, then it would be my opinion that Cherloc requires more flesh only: otherwise he is the very best breed import I have seen since perhaps as far back as 1933, and on a par with the best of previous years….With Cherloc you are on the right track-may he live for a long time. We need readjustment as to type, substance and soundness, teeth, heads and bone. Cherloc cans assist greatly: he is a grand dog.”
We are even more gratified at the concrete proof of these two gentlemen’s approval—Mr. Webster, having bred his Ch. Dow’s Cora v. Kienlesberg to Cherloc early this month, reports as follows: “All available puppies from the Ch. Cora-Cherloc litter have been taken by our most prominent breeders. A male goes to Mr. Zimmerman of the Rhinegold Kennels; a female to Bert T. Dow (breeder of Cora, and importer of her mother, Ch. Gretl v Kienlesberg): a second female to John F. Cholley of the Glenhugel Kennels; a third to Ralph T. Miller of Philadelphia. The rest of the litter will be retained by the Marienland Kennels.” Mr. Webster is also breeding his undefeated Ch. Westphalia’s Rhemba to Cherloc within the next week, as well as Marienland’s Ch. Monterey v. Stahlhelm, a daughter of Ch. Roland v. Stahlhelm out of Mr. Miller’s Toska v Penfield.
Of his future plans, Mr. Zimmerman writes: “As a further step toward better Dobermans, Rhinegold has contracted for a male from Cherloc’s first American-bred litter (i.e. out of Marienland’s Ch. Cora); a male from a Helios daughter sired by Ch.Kurt, and a male by Ch. Blank v Domstadt from a Ch. Kurt daughter- these males, at proper age, will be offered at stud in the hope of continuing conveniently proportioned “on –the –beam offspring.”
Due to domestic complications we were unable to attend the shows of the Lackawanna, and Lake Mohawk K. C.s. on August 3-4. We understand that Mr. Mohr had nine Dobermans to pass on, and Mr. Worden five. W.A. Riemann’s Westphalia’s Roxanna was best of winners at both events. Congratulations to Westphalia whose Ch. Rani not only captured best of breed both days, but went on to place first in group under Judges Mohr and Doll.