1901 Standard


Doberman Standard From 1901 “B”

National Doberman Pinscher Club (president Otto Goeller, Apolda)


Silvester Frey, who authored the first book on Dobermans in 1912 said that this was written by Goeller in the fall of 1901 and was widely recognized as THE standard. William Sidney Schmidt, who wrote the first complete breed book in the united States in 1926, said in the 1940 edition of The Doberman Pinscher that this was the first standard of the breed issued in 1899 by the National Doberman Pinscher Club. It is most likely a revision of the 1899 standard written by the club president, Goeller. 


General Appearance 1901 “B”:

Adds to “A” that his eyes show intelligence and resolution. Also adds that he works equally well on water and land. Emphatic that he “must be sharp”. 

A well built and muscular dog, not plump and massive and not like a greyhound. His appearance must denotes quickness, strength and endurance. Temperament lively and ardent.  He is courageous and will not run away from anything.Devoted to master and in defending him shows the courage of a lion. He gets along with other dogs; not vicious or disloyal; faithful and watchful and a superior destroyer of animals of prey. His eyes show intelligence and resolution.

Shoulder Height: Dogs: 55-65 cms (21.65 to 25.59 inches) bitches: 48-55 cms (18.89 to 21.65 inches).

Color: Primary color deep black, red or blue with rust-brown markings. White patch on the chest is permissible. Grey undercoat permissible on neck, behind ears and on top of the head, also black spots on toes permissible.

Head: Top of head must be flat or may be slightly arched, but the forehead must be broad; stretched long, the head must go over into a not too pointy muzzle. Cheeks must be flat but very muscular. A dog of about 50 centimeters (19.68 inches) height at the shoulder should measure about 41 cm (16.14 inches) around the forehead. The length of the head, from the occiput to the tip of the nose should be 25-26 cm (9.84 to 10.23 inches).

Teeth must be very powerful, well developed and tightly closed. Lips lying close, not drooping. Eyes dark brown, of medium size with an intelligent, good natured and energetic expression.

Ears: Well cropped, not too short and not too pointed.

Neck: Powerful and straight.

Legs: Straight, with toes well arched and closed. Elbows stand perpendicular under rump and must not turn out. Hindquarters powerful and muscular.

Back: Straight and not too long. Length from occiput to the start of the tail about 70 cm (27.55 inches) so that the entire length, without tail should measure about 95 cm (37.4 inches). Back should not be weak. Loins well developed and filled out. Chest well rounded, not flat sided, reaching to the elbows.

Tail: Cropped not longer than 15 cm (5.9 inches).

Coat: Hard, short and close lying.

Characteristics: Watchful, loyal and devoted, intelligent and not vicious, however, nevertheless sharp; working equally well on water and on land; superior destroyer of animals of prey.