1920 Standard

The German Standard used by the Doberman Pinscher Club of America.

Source: The AKC Official Publication Purebred Dogs, published 1929. Book lists the standard “by courtesy of the DPCA.” The Valuation of Points” table is not listed in other publications. Source also 1926 edition of William Sidney Schmidt’s The Doberman Pinscher, published in the United States. Also 1925 publication of Popular Dogs of the Day by Paul C. Blass published in New York. Blass said that this standard was used in both countries.

General Appearance:

His appearance is of a dog of good middle size, with a body quite square in shape, sinewy and elegant. Built compact, muscular and powerful, cut out for great endurance and speed. Running gear must be light and free. Temperament lively and ardent, the eye expressing intelligence and resolution. Faults: Clumsy, heavy or Greyhound like build.

Head: Dimensions must be in proper proportion to the body. It must be long and “dry” and when seen from the side, in its shape reminds one of a blunt wedge. Top of head flat as  possible. Line of the forehead extending with a slight depression to the ridge of the nose. Cheeks flat. Ridge of nose straight or slightly curved. Jaws full and powerful. Lips lying close to jaw.

Faults: Strong ramshead, too strongly projected arch and too plainly visible occipital bone. Too much offset of forehead. Heavy cheeks, too short or pointed jaws and greyhound-like shape of head. Jaws must not be sunken in front of the eyes.

Eyes: Well closed, dark and medium size, with shrewd, energetic expression.

Faults: Too large, too small, prominent or light eyes.

Ears: Well placed. Of medium length and clipped to a point.

Faults: Ears placed too low, too high, or badly carried. 

Teeth: Strongly developed. The incisors of the lower jaw must touch the inner surface of the upper incisors.

Faults: Undershot or overshot. Incisors out of line. Poor black brown teeth.

Neck: Sufficiently long and “dry”, fitting into the picture as a whole. Slightly arched. Nape of the neck well muscled.

Faults: Short, thick or neck like that of a Great Dane. Dewlap.

Body: Back short and firm. Withers clearly defined. Croup slightly rounded. Brisket full, but not too broad. Chest reaching deep to the elbow. Belly drawn up well and forming a beautiful curved line with the chest. Tail clipped short.

Faults: Long back, arched or depressed, and diagonally sloping croup. Flat or barrel shaped chest.

Forequarters: Legs straight to the pasterns. Upper arms forming as nearly as may be a right angle with the shoulder-blades. Shoulder powerful with well-defined muscles, lying close up to the body.

Faults: Stiff or loose shoulders. Feet turning in or out. Weakness in pasterns.

Valuation By Points: Build (neck, breast, back, fore and hind quarters, paws, tail, ect…….40.


Broad and with a good angle in the upper section. Powerfully defined muscles. Neither let down nor too straight on hocks, viewed from behind, placed straight, turning neither in or out.

Faults: slender and lightly muscled hindlegs. Stiffness or stiltiness in hindquarters.

Paws: Short, well arched and compact. Dewclaws are to be removed when tail is clipped.

Faults: Paws long, flat or not compact.

Height at the Shoulder: Dogs 223/4 to 253/5 inches, bitches 213/5 to 23 3/5 inches. [German standard dogs 58-65 cms (22.83 to 25.59 inches). Bitches 55-60 cms (21.65 tp 23.62 inches)].

Hair: Short, hard and close lying. Grey undercoat allowed, but must nevertheless not be visible through the outer hair. 

Color: Black, brown or blue, with rust-red sharply defined markings. Some white allowed on the chest.

Faults: Straw-yellow, dirty or markings lacking along outline. Too much white on chest or white on the toes.Qualities: Pleasant in manner and character. Faithful, fearless, attentive and a reliable watch dog. Sure defender of his master, distrustful towards strangers, possessing conspicuous power of comprehension and great capability of training. In consequence of his characteristics, physical beauty and attractive size, an ideal house dog escort.


Valuation of Points

1. General appearance (notability, makeup,gait……………………………20

2. Head (teeth, eyes, ears)……………………………………………………..15

3. Build (neck, breast, back, fore and hind quarters, paws, tail, ect)….40

4. Size (size, dogs 22 3/4 to 25 3/5 inches, bitches, 21 3/5 to 23 3/5 inches)………………………………………………………………………………..5

5. Hair (color, marking)…………………………………………………………………………….10

6. Condition (health and care)………………………………………………………………………………….10
